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Hannes Buchwald was born in 1983. He discoverd photography at the age of 8 and since then photography rules his life.
Come to the vernissage at the Basementizid on the 20th of December 2009 at 16:00h, followed by a afterparty at “Freiraum Photos” with live music by Tollschock, Laboratorio de Sentimientos Inéditos (Jan Helmich, Francisco de Asis and Sergej Vutuc) and Picportre (postrock ala mono, tortoise…).
Opening hours: Thursday and Friday 15:00h – 19:00h and Saturday 12:00h – 18:00h.
support by: carhartt streetwear, protectyourstyle.de, plemplem kaufraum,
Data 77112 and Foto Venth.
Grant-aided by the city of Heilbronn.
we drink: premium cola.
Basementizid | Wollhausstr. 17 | 74072 Heilbronn.