Scegli Paese e lingua
Austria ()
Belgium ()
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Germany ()
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Liechtenstein (CHF)
Luxembourg ()
Portugal ()
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Switzerland (CHF)
Are you based in the US?

We have a new Carhartt WIP website for customers in the US and Canada. Now offering domestic shipping and returns. Check it out.

Scegli Paese e lingua
Austria ()
Belgium ()
France ()
Germany ()
Italy ()
Liechtenstein (CHF)
Luxembourg ()
Portugal ()
Spain ()
Switzerland (CHF)
Are you based in the US?

We have a new Carhartt WIP website for customers in the US and Canada. Now offering domestic shipping and returns. Check it out.

Carhartt WIP authorized distributor:   

Work in Progress Textilhandels GmbH
Hegenheimer Strasse 16
D-79576 Weil am Rhein/Germania
Telefono: +49 (0)7621 9661
Lun. - Ven. 09:00 - 17:00
Indirizzo e-mail:

Se hai domande sui nostri prodotti
o il tuo ordine clicca qui


Willem Kampert, Heinfried Schmidt-Jenne, Philipp Maiburg, Tobias Öhme

Tribunale presso cui è registrata l'azienda::   

Pretura di Freiburg [Amtsgericht Freiburg], Germania

Iscritta con il n.:   

HRB [Registro delle Imprese] 412212

Partita IVA:   

DE 160 705 175

© 2024 Carhartt WIP    

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